STEM exCEL offers Technology-based afterschool programs, homeschooling courses, weekend workshops and events for Elementary-age students.
We teach the full spectrum of technology: hardware programming, software programming, design and art.
We provide young students a positive introduction to STEM topics, the way they already are introduced to music, sports, art and their core curriculum at school.

We help students to develop a comfort level with technology, so they may harness their problem-solving skills early and more intuitively use technology throughout its advances.
We hope to inspire students to embrace technology as a hobby and interest, and to facilitate a community of like-minded students via Computer & Coding Clubs at local Elementary schools.
Along with experienced professionals, our instructors are US and international college students majoring in Computer Science, Computer Game Design, Information Technology, Electrical Engineering, Bioengineering, and other related fields.
The diversity of STEM exCEL is one of our great strengths, second only to the passion our instructors have for the material and the ability to pass the information onto the next generation.

If you are a representative of the PTA and/or School Administration of a Northern Virginia elementary school and are interested in our assistance in developing a Computer & Coding Club at your school, please email us: or call us at (703) 673-2784.